Gerakan Irigasi Bersih (GIB) Tirto Amartani, dari Yogya untuk Indonesia. Kumpulan kegiatan membersihkan jaringan irigasi di Yogyakarta untuk meningkatkan layanan irigasi menuju ketahanan pangan.
Guest Lecture by Associate Professor Takashi Okayasu Ph.D from Kyushu University, talked about Smart Agriculture : IoT Application in Agriculture. The lecture was given to the undergraduate students of the Department Agricultural and Biosystems Enginee...
Guest Lecture by Associate Professor Takashi Okayasu Ph.D from Kyushu University, talked about Smart Agriculture : IoT Application in Agriculture. The lecture was given to the undergraduate students of the Department Agricultural and Biosystems Enginee...
Guest Lecture by Associate Professor Takashi Okayasu Ph.D from Kyushu University, talked about Smart Agriculture : IoT Application in Agriculture. The lecture was given to the undergraduate students of the Department Agricultural and Biosystems Enginee...
Guest Lecture by Associate Professor Takashi Okayasu Ph.D from Kyushu University, talked about Smart Agriculture : IoT Application in Agriculture. The lecture was given to the undergraduate students of the Department Agricultural and Biosystems Enginee...
Senin, 23 Oktober 2017. Departemen Teknik Pertanian dan Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Univesitas Gadjah Mada kembali menyelenggarakan seri kuliah tamu untuk mahasiswa di Program Studi S1 Teknik Pertanian. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan tambahan ilmu dan pengetahuan, khususnya dari pengajar luar negeri dengan materi-materi yang terkini. Pada kesempatan ini, Departemen mengundang Associate Prof. Takashi Okayasu, […]
Guest Lecture by Associate Professor Takashi Okayasu Ph.D from Kyushu University, talked about Smart Agriculture : IoT Application in Agriculture. The lecture was given to the undergraduate students of the Department Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ibu Andriati Ningrum dan Ibu Lucia Dhiantika W. memberikan pembekalan mengenai proses pembuatan beberapa produk coklat kepada Kelompok Tani dan IKM Sari Mulyo Gambiran, Kecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul.
Nugroho, A.P., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M.
Agriculture faces many challenges in the production system, such as climate and weather, field conditions, crop types, soils types and conditions, and so on. Farmers consider many aspects to optimize the “on-farm” process by their long-term experiences. Various informatization agricultural supporting systems have been developed using ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to improve agricultural productivity. Authors have developed the ICT-based agricultural supporting system called the “Agri-eye” in which a field monitoring, crop growth and quality evaluation, work recording, and online data offering and sharing sub-systems were incorporated. On the other hand, an actuation subsystem for controlling and managing agricultural facilities in a greenhouse such as a heater, water pumps, circulation fans, a CO2 generator, etc. has been introduced. In this study, an actuation framework is developed as a useful method for monitoring and controlling local facilities and machineries. The method can be used for controlling particular device with adjusting parameter from Agrieye server to meet the cultivation requirement. Furthermore, the validity of the developed framework was verified to monitor and control air temperature in laboratory test box.
Nugroho, B.D.A.
Although there has been a high relationship between global climate and rainfall in Indonesia, little evidence is available for relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and rainfall pattern in highland of country. This study evaluates the relationships between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and rainfall distribution pattern in Gunungkidul district, highland of South-Central Java, Indonesia. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was used to summarize the average of SSTs during rainy season (October to March) for the El Niño monitoring regions: IOBW (Indian Ocean Basin-Wide), Niño. West and Niño. 3. Monthly rainfall data was collected from Agricultural Government of Gunungkidul district. In this area, rainfall was highest in the southern and western mountainous areas, especially near the coast, and SSTs values were highly correlated with rainfall in those areas. Almost all sub districts in Gunungkidul district has significant correlations between PC1 SSTs and rainfall during October-November-December (OND).